Be Prepared Financially
for 2023
Take this amazing chance to become organized financially for 2023.
A great opportunity to see the major liberating differences between a traditional BUDGET and a SPENDING PLAN.
A Spending Plan goes beyond budgeting. It’s literally about time (cashflow).
Learn how to create and live your personalised Spending Plan.
Have your teenagers / adult children join you in learning. This will help them too become financially self-reliant.
Invite a friend who always complains about money stresses!
Check out our Facebook Group: Happy Spenders Beyond Budgeting
Topics Covered
Course Outcomes
Course Schedule
- What is your WHY?
- Money Truths
- Being 100% honest to YOUR money truth
- Six Expense Types – How you spend your $$
- Effective Bank Structure
- LIFE costs – Need expenses
- STYLE costs – Wants expenses
- How to use the Spending Planner Software
- Creating your Perfect Spending Year 2023
- See Your Money Truth
- Living Your Plan
- How to be financially prepared for the unexpected.
- Personal accountability
- Teach Your Children
- Know your money truth
- 100% financial clarity
- 100% honest to yourself and others
- Protect your money from YOU!
- Create a Spending Plan
- Prioritize your spending
- Automate your bills
- Eliminate consumer debt
- Plan for the unexpected expenses
- Plan for long term expenses (replacements)
- Live your plan with accountability
- Unify relationships
- Achieve Financial Peace
- Become a Happy Spender
- Wednesday, 2nd November
- Wednesday, 9th November
- Wednesday, 16th November
- Wednesday, 23rd November
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
AEST (Brisbane, Australia)
Don’t forget to SHARE this value packed DOUGH-vember with family, children (teens & adult), neices, nephews, parents, work colleagues, and friends.
Together learn and support each other toward financial peace.
To get the most value from the DOUGH-vember 4 weeks course:
There is some PREPARATIONS you can do PRIOR to the 1st workshop on the 2nd November.
Any queries, that is what the 30-minute Money Chat above is for.
Download (print) the WORKSHEETS below and FILL IN.
WATCH the instructional videos below for assistance.
Spending Planner Software Subscription
You will receive a SIGN UP link ($1) and access to your Spending Planner software subscription on the 1st of November for 30 days.
Watch for an email to arrive on the 31st of October !!
Note: You will have the choice to continue your monthly software subscription after November for ONLY $10 per month.
Below is a SNEEK PEEK preview of what you will be learn and be doing as you participate in DOUGH-vember.
I look forward to taking you on the liberating Spending Plan journey in DOUGH-vember!