Financial Fitness Check Up - PRE COURSEName(Required) First Last Ready to check your financial fitness?(Required)Yes, I'm nervousYesInstructions: CLICK the DROP DOWN arrow to the RIGHT to select your correct answer.(Required)Great, continue to answer the following questionsI have a current financial goal I am saving for(Required)NoYesI have a budget - give every dollar a job(Required)NoYesDoes you bank accounts structure 'Protect Your Money From YOU!'(Required)NoYesI have a bank account 'just' for my upcoming BILLS in the next 12 months. I DO NOT do any other spending from this bank account. It is sacred funds.(Required)NoYesI call all my bill service providers annually for a better deal(Required)NoYesI KNOW all my bills will be covered for the next 12 months. Because I know my daily ideal bank balances. As a result, I can have all my bills on auto pay (direct debit).(Required)NoYesI know what the 'right' target bank balance should be in my BILLS account on any day of the next 12 months (like a future bank statement)(Required)NoYesI have a FFFI bank account (food, fuel, fun, incidentals) for my weekly household spending - (This account is SEPARATE from any BILL money you are saving)(Required)NoYesI have a Rainy Day Savings account (unplanned, unexpected expenses)(Required)NoYesI KNOW my 'essential basic cost' $______per month that I could cut back to, if I lost our income(Required)NoYes`I have 3-6 months of essential costs in my Emergency account(Required)NoYesI have a Long Term Savings account for replacements of large purchase items (white goods, furniture, TV, computer, etc)(Required)NoYesI have a Savings bank account(s) for what I 'really' want(Required)NoYesI automate money to be transferred for savings and investments(Required)NoYesI spend less than I earn(Required)NoYesI am a saver(Required)NoYesMy partner and I are unified in our finances (if applicable)NoYesMy partner and I hvae regular Finance Intimacy DateNoYesIf you check 'YES' in all the boxes above - CONGRATULATIONS on your ultimate financial fitness!! Are all the above answers YES?(Required)NoYes, Well Done!If you checked 'NO' in any of the boxes above - YOU WOULD BENEFIT in having an innovative & proven Spending Plan! Are any answers above NO?(Required)No, Well Done!YesI have consumer debt (credit card, personal loan(s), Afterpay, Zip Pay, car loan, etc.)(Required)YesNoI pay ONLY the minimum required payment on my debts(Required)YesNoI have the maximum 30-year home mortgage & often dip into the equity(Required)YesNoI want to pay my mortgage off sooner and never dip into my equity(Required) Yes NoI am a impulse spender(Required)YesNoDebt (credit cards, loans, interest free, afterpay) has become my best friend. I purchase items I have NOT SAVED for.(Required)YesNoDid you check 'YES' in any boxes above? If yes, you have decreased your financial fitness significantly to flabbiness!(Required)YesNoYour not alone. It's not your fault. There is HOPE!! The Spending Planner system will get you financially fit and fast!(Required)Sounds great!I need and want to become better with my finances(Required)YesNoI want to achieve my 'really' wants and financial goals(Required) Yes NoJoin my Facebook Group: Happy Spenders Beyond BudgetingI already joinedI will, thank youI do not use FacebookCheck out (LIKE) my Facebook page & REVIEWS: Sherri Dumbrell - Essential Spending PlannerI already joinedI will, thank youI do not use Facebook