All information on Essential Spending Planner website and courses are provided for informational and educational purposes only. This was created to assist you in your financial journey.
I am not a financial advisor, but I am a Certified Spending Planner by the Spending Planner Institute. The views and opinions expressed on this website are solely my own and have no bearing on the Spending Plan Institute. While I make every effort to provide accurate information, you should not assume that the information presented will apply to your specific situation. Before making any financial decisions, please conduct your own research and seek trusted advice from professionals.
The information on essentialspendingplanner.com.au is intended to be shared for educational and non-commercial purposes only. You may download and distribute promotional materials.
I am not a licensed financial advisor, and all information on this website (essentialspendingplanner.com.au) should be considered personal opinion and knowledge gained through 20+ years of experience and the training from the Spending Planner Institute.
In no event will I be liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of advice given or received in connection with this website or any related services.